Why and how we travel with our baby?
When we were expecting our daughter, we have imagined a lot of things: how we’ll handle different situations, what theories we would like to stick to, which principles we’ll never broke & we were shaking for answer to this question: Why and how we can travel with our baby? And then parenthood came into the equation, like accidentally throwing the diaper (with its content) to the ventilator…
The realization was HARD. Parenthood is a lot more complex than we had thought. It affects everything and is present all the time. There is no on-off switch.
1st this to remember:
We were facing a challenging question: Why and how we travel with our baby again? Before anybody says anything, the first and most important thing to cover: you are a wonderful parent to your child. You know better than anyone what is good for your family. What suits us, may not suit you. I am sharing our experience and our POV on the family travel topic.
2nd thing to remember:
With that being said, there is no right or wrong approach. This is a constant trial and error process, where sometimes you hit the jackpot! In our opinion the second most important thing in the mix of parenthood and traveling is the mindset. You need to believe that traveling can do magic with children. In their age, everything is new. Showing them more than the nearby playground will not put them in danger. Because you (=the rock, the stability) are with them. They feel safe no matter where you are.
Let me show you our answer to the question: Why and how we travel with our baby?

In this article I will show you some of the many benefits your child will encounter when you decide to hit the road. Think of it like the ABC of family traveling (like the pop song):
A for Adventure
For your baby every new adventure is a new stimulus - no matter if it’s on the playground or crossed borders 2x. Therefore these will boost their mind like crazy. They learn quicker than you think day by day. If they'd been a product, they'd have been the best sponge in the market, for absorbing the essence of life.
B for Bonding
Even if your baby won’t remember traveling later, YOU will! Most importantly, the amount of uninterrupted quality time you spend together will be a one-time and unrepeatable experience for everyone. In addition to the photos, videos, your personal stories will bring your child closer to you later on, giving you memory star-struck.
C for Change
Your life will be totally different with a child. Still the excuse of ‘traveling will be different’ makes no sense. As we see, our normal day to day life has changed radically too. Firstly from 8 hours deep sleep, to waking up 5x during a night, then the new skills like changing diaper while your child is crawling – there are countless new situations you have to adjust.
D for Discovering
You might want to ‘test’ travel with a short/close trip nearby. During this test, you can still experience the whole travel process, but if anything cracks you can hurry home to your safe place. Discover your surroundings bit by bit, or if you happen to be a badass parent, discover the other half of the world. Together!
E for Exposure
Have you thought about how your child’s behavior and personality is shaping during traveling? Constantly seeing new things will make them open-minded, and responsive to the world. They will more likely to be curious, accepting towards others too. They will be more solution seekers and ready for challenges.
F for flame
I think all the parents who already have child(ren) can testify me and agree, the spark and excitement in children’s eyes are next level. By looking at them you can feel goosebumps. Imagine how they can see the world if they are this happy to experience life!
U for Ultimate fun
Babies always steal the show no matter where you’re going. People tend to become more friendly when they see a baby.

If the above mentioned things haven't convinced you 100%, here I give you 3 more reason why (and how) you should travel with baby.
M for Money
Many airlines, hotels etc. offer free stay for the babies until 2 years. We don’t encourage you to travel “just for the sake of saving”, but using the excuse that it’s expensive might not be a solid argument.
R for Rules
For a baby it's like an old and well-established paradigm. Everyone speaks about it, but no-one really knows how to do it. In the hunting for a well-oiled routine in the maze, sometimes it’s good to distract your baby and show how different it can be. You skipped a bath time on the highway - now what? For the record, it won’t make you a bad parent.
S for Stretching
They’ll become more flexible, adapt faster and having this expertise, their observation, problem-solving skill and other soft skills will skyrocket. But not just theirs, your flexibility will improve too, so don’t be afraid, just immerse in the process.
So, now by looking at this list, you may ask, where is the trap? It seems so fun, and effortless. Well the trap is, you have to work for it to establish good travel routine. No-one can plan your dream family holiday, but you. You can collect ideas, be motivated or even inspired but no-one can make it happen for you.
Therefore, for a bit of an inspiration I leave here some of our best family traveling reels from Instagram:
POV: traveling with toddler is possible
What have we learnt from the process?
We don't know everything, but slowly & gradually we discover how we can travel with our baby. One thing is for sure though: traveling is not impossible with child(ren). In fact, they add a little (well a big) twist to it, like spicing it up. We are forever grateful to have so many amazing travel memories together as a family. Also to prove our POV you can read my 1 week Porto itinerary with toddler article.
So, the final question is? When are you packing?