Lovely to e-Meet you!
We’re ST, Jules & Nara – a Hungarian family of 3 with endless passion for travel.
We’ve been together for more than 3300 days, discovered 16 countries together (an additional 15 individually) & in 2021 we have traveled across our country with a baby on board.
We are passionate about exploring out there, and sharing our stories. You’ll find travel itineraries, travel ideas and unique destination recommendations under Travel Steps, while you can dive in and get a glimpse of the deepest buckets of traveling as a family, or parenting on the go in Baby Steps. In Social Steps you’ll find some cool stuff about content creation with a toddler on the go, tutorials and application recommendations.
Let’s keep in touch!
I know how precious your email address is, so I want you to know that yours is safe with me! I won’t bother you with weekly hiccups, but will let you know if something amazing is coming. In return let me surprise you with a freebie, which helps you nail the packing drama before your summer trip with your family! I want to get the Gift (THE BEACH packing list 🏖):
Partners / Coupons
For me, nurturing a travel family community means that I give back as much value as I can. One form of this is to offer you coupon codes with brands I’m believing in & who provide value. I’m giving my name only to those I use genuinely in order to be an authentic voice in the orchestra of consumer society. You can read a short intro (along with the discount code) below of each item but clicking on them will redirect you to the Partnership page, where you’ll find details about each brand.
Vannak a nagyon kényelmes "go with the flow" Utazók. És vagyunk MI. 🙂 Az Útitárs könyv egy szuper ötvözete az utazástervezőknek és a naplónak. Van benne hely mindennek: pakolási lista (még jobb ha együtt használod az. én pakolási listámmal), 😉 jegyzetelni való hely, büdzsé tervezés, és minden európai országnak dedikáltan 2 oldal, ahova az aktuális utad részleteit és élményeit írhatod. Saját felhasználásra, de ajándéknak is tökéletes!
ESZTI10 - 10%
Mondjuk ki hangosan: elég kevés magyar oldal (legyen az önálló márka, vagy webshop-ot üzemeltető vállalkozó), foglalkozik utazással. Ennél még sokkal kevesebb, aki családokkal foglalkozik. Olyannal pedig, ahol a családos utazás van a fókuszban, egészen egyszerűen nem találkoztam. Eddig. A Minett-nél elképesztően nagy választékban kaphatók utazási kellékek, mint pl. az örök kedvenc bőröndrendszerezők, de kivételesen széles választékban kaphatók foglalkoztató gyerekjátékok is, amelyek többsége kiváló családi utazások alkalmával.
Our daughter is a big girl now (2 y/o), she wants to come & go, so for this stage we needed a carrier which is easy to use yet more durable then my right arm! Especially the fact we love traveling, we wanted something travel compatible. It’s vegan & female owned company, which guarantee that functionality & design will come hand in hand.
"@justdiariestravel is a badass mama with the most creative insta and she travels SO much! Inside and out of Hungary all while being full time mommy."
"I absolutely love this! Thank you for sharing your views, as it is pleople like you that inspired me to start travelling with my one year old. It does have some challenges, but that is what makes it more momerable. Love your content."
"Hello!! You improve your account very well. Very rare to find such a treasure in the pool of Hungarian instagrammers. It’s as worth to give a follow."
"Absolutely stunning page guys, you both look amazing together. Have a great day, and thanks for sharing and for making us smile today."
„You share unbelievably good content, very-very high-quality, which requires a lot of work. It’s exciting, nice, unified... In the Hungarian social media I haven’t seen a person, who is as dedicated as you!”
„...I always admire your perfectly composed photos, I know how hard it is to create them. There are a lot of ideas and creativity in them.”
„Hello!! You improve your account very well. Very rare to find such a treasure in the pool of Hungarian instagrammers. It as worth to give a follow.”
"Absolutely stunning page guys, you both look amazing together. Have a great day, and thanks for sharing and for making us smile today."